by Twila Godinez | 8:01 pm

I Love to Journal

Writing in a journal has been an important part of my life.  Even as a child, I would grab my journal to work through my feelings or to record events so I would remember

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by admin | 12:11 am

April Journal Prompts

Sometimes Journal Prompts can be a great way to help expel writer’s block.  Here are some of the important days in April. Here are some prompts that are useful in the month of April.

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by admin | 11:15 pm

How to Start a Prayer Journal

Just like all other journals, a prayer journal is very individual.  In order to start your prayer journal, you must first know what you want to include in your prayer journal. Some things you

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by admin | 1:04 am

How to Start a Journal Entry

Dear Diary, How do you start a journal entry?  When I was younger, I thought a journal entry had to start with the traditional Dear Diary.  Now, my journal entries start in all sorts

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by Twila Godinez | 1:10 am

How to Start a Journal

So, you’ve been thinking about it for quite some time and you have decided you are ready to start writing in a journal.  In this post, I’ll give you the best information on how

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by Twila Godinez | 12:03 am

Writers Blocks and How to Overcome Them

What is Writer’s Block? Writer’s block is a very real condition in which a writer loses the ability to produce new work, or experiences a creative slowdown.  Thankfully, most of the time writers blocks

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by Twila Godinez | 10:11 pm

Daily Journal Writing

There are many benefits to daily journal writing.  Hal Elrod in The Miracle Morning points out several of the benefits of including journalling (or scribing as he calls it) in your morning routine: Gain

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