by admin | 11:15 pm

Just like all other journals, a prayer journal is very individual.  In order to start your prayer journal, you must first know what you want to include in your prayer journal.

Some things you might want in a prayer journal:

  • Prayers
  • Bible Verses
  • Praise Reports
  • Prayer Requests
  • Gratitudes
  • Bible Study Notes
  • Answers to Prayers

Once you determine what you want to include in your journal, then you can start setting up your journal pages.  There are a couple of different ways to organize a prayer journal.  One way to organize a prayer journal is chronologically.  That means one day follows another.  You would simply date the page (or entry) and write the parts that you want in your journal.  Another way to organize a prayer journal is more by topic.  You might have a few pages of each kind of entry.  For example, a page of Helpful Bible Verses, a page for prayer requests, a page for praise reports, etc.

The most important thing is again, to simply get started.  This is your journal and there is no right or wrong way to do it.  Personally, I include my prayers in my writing journal.  Each day I write a journal entry that more or less includes a narrative of my day.  It includes letter style prayers as I see most of my journal as a “prayer”.  I write any answers or praises I have in the narrative.

While I was leading a Bible Study group, I kept a notebook (journal) with the notes for the Bible Study and any prayer requests brought forth in the meeting.  This helped me keep up with the members requests and so form my prayers for the week.

I also have included several prayers that I find helpful in my planner style journal.  If there is a prayer or Bible verse that speaks to me, I will often create a page around it.  My original daily routine included writing a Bible verse on that day’s entry every day.  I have strayed a bit from that format, but I still write Bible verses and other quotes throughout my journal.

Finally, your prayer journal can be a great tool for your spiritual life.  Like all journals, this is a very individual subject and you can’t get it wrong.  As always, the most important thing is to get started.


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